
Lectures and 会议

作为心脏病学培训计划的一部分,每月或每周都会举行几次正式会议. 这些会议有各种形式,被视为对心血管研究员的教育至关重要. Attendance by all fellows is mandatory.

1. Monday Morning Invasive Laboratory Conference:

Held every Monday August through June. 心脏病学 3 weeks, Electrophysiology 1 week. 每周举行一次病例会议,专门与侵入性心脏病学和电生理学有关. The primary format of this conference is case based. A fellow presents the clinical highlights of the case. 然后,这个案例被用作一个更正式的讲座式讨论,讨论与案例相关的特定主题. During their third year of fellowship, 在心导管实验室轮班的同事将在心导管实验室主任的协助下在周一进行轮班. The participants in this conference include but are not limited to the 心脏病学 教师, the Cardiothoracic Surgery 教师 and Radiology 教师. 一个月一次, the focus of the conference shifts slightly in that an Electrophysiology case is presented, again the format is similar but the focus of the subject is a specific electrophysiology case.

Basic educational goals of this conference include but are not limited to:

  • 了解心导管插入术和介入术的基本概念,包括指征和技术. Similar discussions are also applied to electrophysiology
  • 导尿和电生理检查结果的解释以及基于这些结果的管理决策
  • Review of current concepts and literature related to invasive 心脏病学 and electrophysiology
  • Understanding hemodynamic information obtained from cardiac catheterizations
  • Understanding data obtained from electrophysiology procedures
  • Basic principles involved in implantation and management of pacemakers and ICDs.

2. Echocardiography/Nuclear Conference:

Echocardiography conference is held every Tuesday. Nuclear/Imaging 心脏病学 Conference is held on Friday.

Echocardiography 2 weeks, Nuclear 心脏病学 1 week, 儿科心脏病学 1 week and nuclear board review 1 week. A weekly conference is held revolving around noninvasive evaluation of the heart. The echocardiography portion of this conference is based upon review of various cases. 每月两次,这些病例来自成人,在上州医科大学医院和克劳斯医院进行超声心动图评估. 除了 to review of the specific studies, literature review and/or discussion of basic ultrasound principles are presented. 这些会议包括每月一次由儿科心脏科进行的有趣病例的介绍. 主讲人是一名儿科心脏病专家,他将讨论先天性心脏病的一些具体问题. 北州医科大学医院核医学部每月召开一次会议. Specific nuclear cardiography studies are presented. 这次会议有一部分是关于基本核原理的正式讲座.

核委员会审查 will be held twice a month - start the second Tuesday in September through June 30th. 每学年至少有20次讲座,以满足核委员会要求的80小时讲座时间.


  1. Attend 60% of lectures per academic year. 基于1.5 hour lectures, this will give the fellows 80 hours of lecture time.
  2. 每学年缺课超过40%的,不予签署证书.
  3. Each fellow will require a minimum of 2 months of exposure in the lab per COCATS

3. Electrocardiography Conference:

逢星期三举行. A weekly EKG conference is held in which interesting and challenging tracings are presented. 跟踪作为一个小组进行审查,讨论和解释由一位心电医师领导. 除了, 具体的相关文献或基本的心电图原理可以在具体的追踪的背景下讨论. 研究员将学习评估这些跟踪,并期望积极参与解释,作为提高他们分析心电图技能的目标的一部分.


4. Dr. Robert Eich Fellows’ Conference:

从7月到6月中旬,每隔第三个星期一举行:每周举行一次讲座式会议,心脏病学研究员作为与成人临床心血管疾病相关的具体主题的主要主讲人. A yearly schedule is made up in which pertinent or controversial topics, as well as more basic subject matter is presented. 教师 members at times will present, but the primary focus is the fellow. 这使得研究员不仅有机会更严格地审查心血管疾病的特定主题, but also an opportunity to practice presentations to their peers.

The article or articles are to serve as a starting point for the topic to be presented. This is not to be Journal Club in another format; rather the article is to provide a starting point for the conference. 期望的是,研究员将选择一个在更广泛的审查中特别感兴趣的主题方面,并专注于此.

5. 杂志俱乐部:

Held the second and fourth Monday of every month. A review of a current article is presented in an informal discussion type format. A fellow is specifically assigned, with an attending mentor, to present an article of recent nature and relevance to adult cardiovascular disease. 该研究员在其出席导师的同意下选择文章,并对文章进行适当的审查. 再一次。, 这为研究员提供了一个机会,不仅批判性地审查重要的当前主题,而且有机会发展批判性地审查科学文章和向他或她的同龄人展示材料的技能.

6. Renal Transplant Conference:

Held every Friday, the fellow on the SUH Echo rotation will attend the Renal Transplant Conference. 会议的目的是审查潜在肾移植患者的图表,并确定患者是否通过心脏病学检查或是否需要进一步检查以清除患者. 这加快了肾移植患者的实际移植过程,当肾脏可用于他们的手术.

7. 儿科心脏病学 surgery Conference:

Held every Friday by the 儿科心脏病学 department at Crouse Irving Physician Office Building. Fellows that are on a non clinical rotation or on a pediatric elective are encouraged to attend. 每周举行一次基于病例的会议,专门讨论小儿和成人先天性心脏病患者的手术.

8. 儿科心脏病学 Conference:

Held every Friday by the 儿科心脏病学 department at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University Hospital. Fellows that are on a non clinical rotation or on a pediatric elective are encouraged to attend. 每周一次的基于病例的会议是专门举行有关儿童和成人先心病患者的护理.

9. Thoracic Surgery Conference:

Held quarterly by the Thoracic Surgery department at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University Hospital. 鼓励在上州医科大学或退伍军人医疗中心进行非临床轮转或导管实验室轮转的研究员参加.

10. QA 心脏病学 Catheterization laboratory Conference:

上州医科大学导管实验室的主任每季度与全体研究员举行一次会议,审查上州医科大学导管实验室发生的死亡率和并发症. Charts will be acquired from medical records, 影片与报告的检视,以及每个案例的正式书面报告,将会交到奖学金行政人员办公室.

11. Braunwald俱乐部:

Held the first Monday evening of every month. A conference that is held specifically relating to a chapter in Braunwald 心脏病 that has been assigned to the fellow. The expectation is that the fellow will choose an aspect of the topic that is of particular interest.

12. Case Presentation Conference:

Held every Thursday morning. A conference that is held weekly based on specific rotations. A rotating schedule has been created based on rotation. The fellow assigned to that rotation is to present a case that is of particular interest.